Time Management Optimized Start-Up Operations

An emerging e-media startup specializing in sustainability news and job ad classifieds for the sustainable professional field faced operational challenges due to the manager's involvement in numerous ad-hoc tasks. Compounded by a high proportion of student interns, this resulted in project delays, inefficient staff allocation, and loosing sight of the start-up's vision and milestone deliverables.

Challenges Faced 
The startup's manager, juggling ad-hoc matters, struggled with timely project execution and efficient staff allocation, exacerbated by a high intern ratio. 

Training Initiative
72 Smalldive implemented a targeted training program focused on time management for managers. The goal was to enable managers to structure their time effectively and align their time management plans with company milestones and project plans. 

Following the training, the managers experienced improvements:

  • Anticipated resource demands more accurately.
  • Respected project delivery timelines, fostering better collaboration among stakeholders.
  • Reduced "taskless" time for interns, increasing overall productivity.

Expansion to Key Stakeholders
Recognizing the success of the training, the startup is encouraged to consider include the time management techniques in their company training and become a the modus operandi for key stakeholders to adopt when conducting status updates. This strategic approach aims to enhance overall operational efficiency and collaboration.

Future Steps
With a more streamlined approach to time management, the e-media startup envisions improved productivity, reduced project delays, and enhanced collaboration among all stakeholders. The success of this initiative sets the stage for broader implementation across the organization.

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Struggling with team cohesion, communication breakdowns, or stagnating growth? Challenges in business management are real, but there are simple and practical solutions! Our modular training courses provide managers and employees a roadmap to thrive and collaborate. Learn about our methodology in training or send us your queries to find out more!