The Ultimate Guide To Leather Belts & Wallets

Image A Coiled 30 mm Width 72 Smalldive Belt In Sienna Brown

Belt Mastery: A Guide to Belt Widths

Building a well-rounded wardrobe goes beyond having a diverse collection of clothing; it extends to accessories like belts. Incorporating belts of varying widths into your wardrobe ensures versatility in styling...

Belt Mastery: A Guide to Belt Widths

Building a well-rounded wardrobe goes beyond having a diverse collection of clothing; it extends to accessories like belts. Incorporating belts of varying widths into your wardrobe ensures versatility in styling...

Overlay of 72 Smalldive Suede and Full-Grain Belts On Travertine Marble Slab

Belt Terminology

Learning the terminologies of a belt makes communicating your desired belt style at the store a lot easier!

Belt Terminology

Learning the terminologies of a belt makes communicating your desired belt style at the store a lot easier!

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72 Smalldive's quintessential philosophy to slow fashion and sustainable living. It's a new way of thinking for those seeking to define their style, live sustainably, and express their unique personality through their wardrobe.